Dust Control

Small Drops, Big Impact.

Dust Abatement Techniques - How it Works

Working principle: Droplet Size and Distribution of the Water Mist

Working principle

The right droplet size
The optimal size of the water droplets is the key to success: dust particles bounce off the fast-falling large droplets, but stick to the smaller (slow-falling) droplets of similar size (see graphic). Conventional spray systems usually produce large, heavy water droplets that do not catch most of the floating dust in the air.

Thanks to sophisticated valve technology, our machines nebulize the water droplets into different sizes between 10 and 100 μm. As a result, our solutions for dust suppression can take on any type of dust and adapt to a whole range of conditions thanks to full control of the water flow rate and droplet size


The correct distribution of the water mist
Another crucial point for successful dust suppression is the optimal distribution of the water mist. The amount of dust in the air is specified as [mg/m³]. Through many years of experience as well as tests and trials with independent institutes, we know exactly how much water per m³ we need to use in order to combat the dust concentration (per m3).

This means: once we have defined the source of the dust, we know exactly how to position our machines to knock down the dust as effectively as possible.

The right solution


Effective dust suppression depends next to the water mist as well on these factors: the general dust tendency of the material, plant-specific conditions such as conveying speed, drop height of the material, but also the ambient conditions have a significant influence on the effectiveness of a dust abatement system.

In order to find the right solution, all the mentioned factors must be taken into account as well. In the end, only knowhow and experience helps to choose the ideal configuration (type of machine, type of nozzle, amount of water, etc.).

More information

Dust control with water mist – We offer the following solutions

Dust abatement with water mist

We analyze the dust and collect samples of the type, and amount of dust, during an initial on-site inspection. We then compile a suitable offer based on what we learn from this analysis and inspection.

Here you will find an overview of our solutions for dust control.

Dust control activities with water mist can be used in the following areas

Fields of Application

The possible range of applications of our dust control solutions ranges from demolition to quarrying, open cut mines, mines, recycling plants, harbors, tunnel construction and many other sectors with high dust emissions.

What is Dust?

Dust Facts

Dust is the finest particles suspended in the air, created by mechanical processes. Dust particles differ in size, shape, colour,
chemical composition, physical properties, and their origin and formation.

Dust is practically omnipresent and has various sources: industry, transport, agriculture, fires, nature or volcanic eruptions.


Existing Types of Dust

Dust Facts

In the context of workplace safety, it is important to know the following types of dust:

  • E-dust is the inhalable fraction of the dust and gets into the mouth and nose. The particles are smaller than 100 µm.
  • Tracheobronchial dust reaches the upper airways. The particles are between 5 – 10 µm in size.
  • The alveolar dust (A-dust) reaches the alveoli (the smallest branches of the lungs) completely unnoticed. The particles are smaller than 4 µm

Effects of Dust

Dust Facts

The dust has effects on the environment as well as on people. If we talk about effects generated by dust, we do so from the perspective of environmental protection as well as work health and safety:

  • Long-term exposure to dust can lead to respiratory diseases
  • Heavy dust obstructs vision
  • Working tools are polluted by dust and damaged in the long term
  • Dust can be a cause of technical problems, e.g. overheating of electronics in the absence of ventilation, rapid wear of moving parts, and poorly functioning sensors