It is possible to configure CURTpro with the appropriate inputs for the individual dust-binding machines in your system, depending on your needs. With the help of high-end sensor technology, several inputs can be used in the control software.
1. Meteo
Various inputs play a central role in the proper functioning of the control software. In order to be able to react correctly to any situation, CURTpro bases its behaviour on the data from a weather station. In this way, various conditions such as the type and amount of precipitation, wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity can be taken into account.
2. Sensor technology
Thanks to high-end sensor technology, CURTpro receives inputs about external conditions and reacts accordingly. Available sensors for integration are as follows:
- Digital sensor
- Soil moisture sensor
- Odour sensor
- Dust sensor (APSensor Dust)
An integration of the H2 system and its water lines is also optional. Each individual line can be configured and controlled here.