
In the past 10 years, we have realized many interesting projects around the globe. Here you can find a small excerpt of the most exciting implementations and customers for dust suppression.

Dust Suppression


Concrete Plant" Beton Lana" in Bressanone (Italy)

The dust controller V22 and the control system CURT are helping Beton Lana to achieve a very special goal: they want to become the cleanest gravel and concrete plant in the area.

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KIBAG Beton in Regensdorf (Switzerland)

Two V22, two V12s and the CURTpro control software ensure clean air at the building materials producer KIBAG in Regensdorf. We also installed a weather station and two APSensors Dust at the location. 

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BWR concrete and recycling plant in Gais (Italy)

The BWR concrete and recycling plant in Gais (South Tyrol) has two V12s and the CURT control system in operation.

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Korn Recycling Header

Korn-Recycling GmbH (Germany)

As the company attaches great importance to the environment and reducing emissions, it decided to install a fully automatic dust binding system consisting of two V12s turbines, a CURT system, a weather station and three H2 pumps.

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Infrastructure company Marx (Italy)

Dust emissions were extremely high during material rearrangement work. Thanks to the installation of a stationary H1 system along the ceiling, the nozzle lines are activated either manually or via time control as soon as dusty work occurs. The air quality has improved and so have the working conditions of the employees.


Port of Murmansk (Russia)

In the industrial port of Murmansk, a total of 14 winter-proof dust controllers including visualization program are in use. The machines operate at temperatures down to -25°C. 


Port of Nakhodka (Russia)

In the industrial port of Nakhodka, 6 winter-proof dust controllers ensure better air values. Two more dust controllers are mounted on a train with a water tank (in picture).

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Port of Tarragona in Spain

A V22 on trucks provides better air in the coal port of Tarragona. 

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Recycling plant Arosha Ltd. in Israel

The quietest dust controller in the world - the V12s - defies the hot temperatures in Israel and keeps dust levels low at a local recycling plant. 


Wood recycling plant "Pölzleitner Holz" (Austria)

A stationary H1 system is installed at the crusher as well as the sorting plant of the waste wood.


Waste management company ZAKU in the canton of Uri (Switzerland)

Two V12s and one stationary H1 system are in use at ZAKU (responsible for waste management in the canton of Uri). 


District heating plant Tekniska Verken i Linköping in Sweden

The V12s on lift defies the cold temperatures in Sweden and protects the plant from dust even in sub-zero temperatures. 


Boliden Aitik Mines in Sweden

A crusher of the Boulden Group at the Aitik Mine was equipped with the stationary H1 system.


Fogger Truck in Canada

In a Canadian coal mine, the so-called Fogger Truck is in operation with two V22s.


Quarry Stevin Rock in Dubai

In this quarry in the deserts of Dubai, a total of twelve V22 dust control turbines are in operation. 


Quarry "La Pedicara" in Italy

The La Pedicara quarry in Balvano is one of the largest quarries in southern Italy and is equipped with a dust protection system (turbines plus H1 system). 

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Construction company  Zampedri (Italy)

Zampedri purchased a V7 and the new V12s for demolition work in the city center of Bolzano. As the demolition work will last a total of 1.5 years, emission and noise protection was a top priority for the city. 

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Construction company Fratelli Omini (Italy)

In August 2018 the Morandi Bridge in Genoa collapsed, killing 43 people. As the damage to the bridge was enormous, it was completely demolished. 12 of our dust controllers were part of the demolition work.


Steel plant in Russia

One of the largest steel mills in the world has a V12s as well as a stationary H1 system in operation. 

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